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Way to get rid of premature baldness
Published : Sunday, 3 May, 2020 at 5:38 PM, Count : 7071

Way to get rid of premature baldness

Way to get rid of premature baldness

It is normal for hair to fall out with age. If this problem occurs at a young age, then it becomes a matter of pain! This problem is seen in many older and younger people now; which is a very annoying problem.

Do you know why this hair problem is happening?

Prematurely air loss can occur for several reasons. These include excessive stress, bacterial infections or allergies, anemia, weather, malnutrition, and bad water. However, malnutrition is mostly responsible for premature hair loss.

According to nutritionists, eating a few foods or spices regularly will stop malnutrition-caused hair loss and help to grow new hair. Let's find out about those foods-

Indian gooseberry

Gooseberry has been used in hair care for ages. It is rich in vitamin C. If you can eat a gooseberry once a day, it is possible to get relief from premature hair loss.

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Editor: Dr. Kazi Ertaza Hassan
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